關於The SMART Companion
移動伴侶“智能”的Garmin ConnectIQ應用。
N.B. Garmin broke communication channel once again, with GCM 3.20.x it's impossible to receive messages from watch and mobile app will crash if device status is changed when app is running. There's no workaround other than using one of the previous GCM versions.
Current version has automatic Garmin ConnectIQ reinitialization logic, which will restart itself if connection to watch is considered incomplete. If you do not see "Send" action in toolbar, this means, that application was unable to connect to watch. Connection restart will take place with 15 seconds timeout (application will be fully functional during this time, only send option will be unavailable).
Mobile companion includes activity types configurator, interval constructor and navigation waypoints picker.
Although most controls are self-explanatory, here are some pointers:
- any entry in interval structure is selected by simple touch, if segment is selected, then all elements within it are selected as well;
- plus action button in interval constructor adds interval segment if nothing is selected, interval element if segment is selected, duplicates element if element is selected;
- edit action button in interval constructor allows to edit interval name if nothig is selected or interval element details if one element is selected;
- delete action button in interval constructor deletes either current interval if nothing is selected or selected elements;
- to add waypoint either press and hold google map layer or press plus button if no target WP set is selected;
- to move waypoints between sets select source (first drop-down list) and target (second drop down list), then press plus button;
- send action is located in application menu
- sending data to watch is an asynchornous process, thus it's recommended to wait until status message is displayed before closing application.
Interface is subject to be improved based on user feedback.
"The SMART" at Garmin Market:
- added functionality to generate routes between waypoints (there's still not enough memory on Garmin watch to store detailed route offline, thus we're still limited to interim waypoints, but generation utility simplifies route planning significantly);
- changed way point bundle structure to store more waypoints, compatible with the S.M.A.R.T. v1.55+.