關於The Tsar, the Tsarevich
Several paintings tell the viewer about the family of the Russian tsars from the Romanov dynasty (1613-1917). Not all of the paintings are available to see in the rooms of the museum and in particular it is not always possible to explore details such as toys and costumes of young tsareviches (princes) and tsarevnas (princesses) or coronation regalia of Russian Tsars.
The game features adventures in the museum’s rooms according to some subject. Two St. Petersburg schoolchildren – Anya and Vanya – won’t manage by themselves to complete the tasks if they are not helped by a player – a child or an adult.
Family and government affairs of the Russian Tsars are the part of Russian history, the fates of millions people depended on the personal characteristics of them. Well, concerning our game, there will be a possibility to talk about serious things as well as to digress for musical tasks or search of unique fragments of a museum object.
While playing children will learn something new and adults as we hope will think of the old family values.
For players over the age of 6.