關於This Is Burger
We deliver food from your neighborhood local joints, your favorite cafes, luxurious & elite restaurants in your area, and also from chains like Dominos, KFC, Burger King, Pizza Hut, FreshMenu, Mc Donald’s, Subway, Faasos, Cafe Coffee Day, Taco Bell, and more. Exciting bit? We place no minimum order restrictions! Order in as little (or as much) as you’d like.
Lightning Fast Delivery: We’re committed to delivering your food, piping hot and fresh. Our Delivery Executives are spread in every nook & cranny of your city, and they take the phrase ASAP seriously. We even deliver food late nights, in the same lightning-fast speed.
Live Order Tracking: No more calling the restaurant to check if your order is prepared or picked. On This Is Burger, you’ll be able to live to track your delivery right from the restaurant to your doorstep.