關於Tinc GUI
Tinc is an open source peer to peer VPN daemon. Find more information at http://www.tinc-vpn.org.
Tinc GUI for Android is a (slightly modified) cross-compiled version of tincd, associated with a basic GUI for daemon management.
Root access is highly recommended for correct tinc daemon usage (no success has been reported on non-rooted device until now).
Fix stop button on Android M.
Bump tinc to 1.0.28.
Android 5 Lollipop compatibility.
Fix null pointer exception when hosts subfolder is not readable.
Fix null pointer exception introduced in previous release.
Added log text size configuration (thanks LuckyHacky).
Allow start/stop tinc by external intent (for use with applications such as Tasker).
Update to tincd 1.0.24 / openSSL 1.0.1h.
Multi-arch support: ARM, MIPS and X86.