Total Launcher歷史版本
如果您因設備不兼容或軟件漏洞而在使用 Total Launcher 的最新版本時遇到問題,在應用開發者修復問題之前,下載舊版本可能是一個實用的解決方案。APKPure 提供與各種設備和 Android 系統兼容的 Total Launcher 所有舊版本。下載 Total Launcher 的舊版本以用於 Android。APKPure 的所有下載均無病毒,並提供快速、安全的方式獲取您所需的應用程序版本歷史記錄。
Total Launcher的歷史版本
- 3.2.0(30200)XAPKAPKs下載2025年03月24日2.9 MBAndroid 8.0+3.2.0版本更新
- 3.1.6(30106)XAPKAPKs下載2025年02月01日6.2 MBAndroid 8.0+3.1.6版本更新
- added new built-in tag supporting the "Private space" of Android 15
- new gestures: Two-finger swipe down, Two-finger swipe up
- new layout: List
- new widgets: RSS reader, Photo slide
- new dynamic text: "Page label"
- new launcher action: "Open tag"
- supports normalized text search (ignoring accents)
- rolled back the default Home key action
- fixed some bugs and optimized - 3.1.1(30101)XAPKAPKs下載2024年12月26日5.0 MBAndroid 8.0+3.1.1版本更新
- new layout: List
- new widgets: RSS reader, Photo slide
- new dynamic text: "Page label"
- new launcher action: "Open tag"
- supports normalized text search (ignoring accents)
- rolled back the default Home key action
- fixed some bugs and optimized - 3.0.11(30011)XAPKAPKs下載2024年09月21日4.9 MBAndroid 8.0+3.0.11版本更新
- renewed the app design
- resolved some issues on Android 14
- supports "Dynamic color" for most options using colors
- new dynamic image: "Themed image"
- new options in the UI & Animation: "Dynamic color scheme" (Android 12+), "Dark icon on navigation bar" (Android 9+)
- added "Themed icon", "Force themed icon" in the Icon style options (Android 13+)
- support to change the tap action for an existing item on layouts
- new launcher action: "Open URL"
- fixed some bugs and optimized - 3.0.9(30009)XAPKAPKs下載2024年09月12日5.6 MBAndroid 8.0+3.0.9版本更新
- renewed the app design
- resolved some issues on Android 14
- supports "Dynamic color" for most options using colors
- new dynamic image: "Themed image"
- new options in the UI & Animation: "Dynamic color scheme" (Android 12+), "Dark icon on navigation bar" (Android 9+)
- added "Themed icon", "Force themed icon" in the Icon style options (Android 13+)
- support to change the tap action for an existing item on layouts
- new launcher action: "Open URL"
- fixed some bugs and optimized - 3.0.8(30008)XAPKAPKs下載2024年08月15日6.0 MBAndroid 8.0+3.0.8版本更新
- renewed the app design
- resolved some issues on Android 14
- supports "Dynamic color" for most options using colors
- new dynamic image: "Themed image"
- new options in the UI & Animation: "Dynamic color scheme" (Android 12+), "Dark icon on navigation bar" (Android 9+)
- added "Themed icon", "Force themed icon" in the Icon style options (Android 13+)
- support to change the tap action for an existing item on layouts
- new launcher action: "Open URL"
- fixed some bugs and optimized - 3.0.7(30007)XAPKAPKs下載2024年07月24日5.6 MBAndroid 8.0+3.0.7版本更新
- renewed the app design
- resolved some issues on Android 14
- supports "Dynamic color" for most options using colors
- new dynamic image: "Themed image"
- new options in the UI & Animation: "Dynamic color scheme" (Android 12+), "Dark icon on navigation bar" (Android 9+)
- added "Themed icon", "Force themed icon" in the Icon style options (Android 13+)
- support to change the tap action for an existing item on layouts
- new launcher action: "Open URL"
- fixed some bugs and optimized - 3.0.6(30006)XAPKAPKs下載2024年07月15日9.1 MBAndroid 8.0+3.0.6版本更新
- renewed the app design
- resolved some issues on Android 14
- supports "Dynamic color" for most options using colors
- new dynamic image: "Themed image"
- new options in the UI & Animation: "Dynamic color scheme" (Android 12+), "Dark icon on navigation bar" (Android 9+)
- added "Themed icon", "Force themed icon" in the Icon style options (Android 13+)
- support to change the tap action for an existing item on layouts
- new launcher action: "Open URL"
- fixed some bugs and optimized - 3.0.4(30004)APK下載2024年04月22日5.4 MBAndroid 8.0+3.0.4版本更新
- renewed the app design
- resolved some issues on Android 14
- supports "Dynamic color" for most options using colors
- new dynamic image: "Themed image"
- new options in the UI & Animation: "Dynamic color scheme" (Android 12+), "Dark icon on navigation bar" (Android 9+)
- added "Themed icon", "Force themed icon" in the Icon style options (Android 13+)
- support to change the tap action for an existing item on layouts
- new launcher action: "Open URL"
- fixed some bugs and optimized - 3.0.3(30003)APK下載2024年04月12日5.4 MBAndroid 8.0+3.0.3版本更新
- renewed the app design
- resolved some issues on Android 14
- supports "Dynamic color" for most options using colors
- new dynamic image: "Themed image"
- new options in the UI & Animation: "Dynamic color scheme" (Android 12+), "Dark icon on navigation bar" (Android 9+)
- added "Themed icon", "Force themed icon" in the Icon style options (Android 13+)
- support to change the tap action for an existing item on layouts
- new launcher action: "Open URL"
- fixed some bugs and optimized
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