關於Traffic Wonder
Smart people don't make same mistakes over and over again. Most of the players get stuck on rudimentary situations, only 0.65% of players have completed all levels. Will you follow the crowd or are you clever enough to be in that small group? Traffic Wonder is an inventive new puzzler, with a remarkably simple concept: guide the colored vehicle to their respective destinations, using as little fuel as possible. Players trace routes from point to point using a sweep of the finger. Once the routes are happily defined, a quick push of the play button will set the journeys in motion. The criteria for successfully completing a level never changes: guide all the cars safely to their garage without any collisions. Sounds simple – but the game's unique puzzle mechanics ensure every level is a challenge.
The vehicles in Traffic Wonder behave as in real-life, speeding up long straights, and slowing down to take tight turns. In addition, different sized vehicles run and burn fuel at different speeds, making route-planning more challenging. Feel free to watch the following gameplay video, which shows the game mechanics and highlight some good features of the game...