Trick shot is a pool, it do not have holes, like eight balls billiards have, we can say this is a two ball games, in next level, you can play with three balls and you must hit them on one smash, We can say it is a smash hit. On beggining you got , white, red ball, and blue ball. You got one big green table, not so big like snooker, has but similliar like billiard, or eight ball, On a left side of screen you have counter, of hits and on a right upper side you got smash hit, counter. For goal the level you got one smash and you must hit two balls, in upper levels difficulty increase volume, and you need smash more balls on one hit. Or the balls are on different places on beggining of level and than the level is harder to finish. Trick shot games is free games with advertising.Try to beat up all seven levels of this game. I wish you good luck and have fun, on playing this game. PS: Game got menu with info quit and play button.