關於Trinus VR
將您的Daydream設備轉換為適用於SteamVR的PC VR耳機
This software is in Early Access / Beta mode, which means it is under development and may not work straight away. Make sure you check the instructions and solutions to common problems. Contact support@trinusvr.com to report an issue, your support is very much appreciated!
Remember: Intel GPU is needed for fast, low-latency encoding (along with VR ready discrete graphics card for rendering)
Trinus VR connects your PC to your Daydream device to deliver a high quality, low latency SteamVR experience
Now you can play PC Virtual Reality games, at a fraction of the cost!
You will need to install the Trinus VR PC Server from https://www.trinusvirtualreality.com/trinus-dream
★ Wireless VR experience
★ Optimised for Intel® chipsets to perform low latency streaming
★ Uses Async Reprojection to further minimise perceived latency
★ Up to 2560x1440 resolution at 75hz
★ Supports two connected Daydream controllers
★ Compatible with Lenovo Mirage Solo Worldsense tech, for 6dof tracking
★ The Trinus VR PC Server software (https://trinusvirtualreality.com/trinus-dream)
★ Daydream compatible device
★ Windows PC with 3rd gen Intel cpu or later (requires enabled Intel Graphics Card)
★ Discrete GPU capable of VR rendering
★ Good quality router (if using wireless option) or USB data cable for direct connection