關於Vector Graphics Creator
Vector graphics creator is a collection of (400+) vector graphics. You can make Vector App Icons, Vector Wallpapers, Vector Arts and much more Vector Images with Vector Graphics Creator.
🔥 ⭐ 💚 ✋ 🎭 🎉
What can do with Vector Graphics Creator -
⭐ Save, Set as Wallpaper, Save and set as wallpaper options.
Tip: wallpapers are now being saved to the private's app folder (internal storage > Android > data > com.avictlab.vectorgraphics> files). The system will clear the folder if You uninstall the app so make sure to backup them.
⭐ 20 vector Categories and 400+ vector icons.
tech, symbols, animals, emotions, fun, food, nature, weather, sport, math, science, chernoff faces, music, nerdy, buildings, alert, letters, roman, zodiac and others
⭐ Background and graphic colors are customizable thanks to a fantastic color picker, presets or the device accent color. You can also swap them if You want!
⭐ Preview screen where you can customize the size and position of the vector graphic
⭐ Recent setups management.
Tip: long click to delete a single setup.
⭐ Light, dark and automatic (following the system settings on Android Q and battery level on pre-Q devices) themes
Enjoy Vector Graphics Creator. Thank You.