關於VeZevent Demo
數百萬款最新的 Android 應用程式、遊戲、音樂、電影、電視節目、書籍、雜誌等項目盡在其中,歡迎隨時隨地透過您的各種裝置取得。
Before installing and using this application please read carefully this info.
This application was developed as a student project for the Software analysis and development Course at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Organization and Informatics (henceforth referred to as FOI).
Maja Hornung
Krešimir Kuhar
Marina Marković
Zlatko Stapić, M.A.
Ivan Svogor, M.A.
Contact info:
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Application description:
veZevent is a mobile application that gives the user information about events in Varaždin. Only registered users can create new events on our web service. Mobile users must be registered to use VeZevent mobile application.
VeZevent application provides user to see location of events on map and allows you to store your own event.
- This product was not developed for commercial purposes.
- This product has no intent to compete any commercial or other similar product whatsoever.
- The authors (students) preserve all (if any) intellectual property rights on this product.
- FOI and supervisors denounce all rights and responsibilities for this product.
- The product is provided on an “AS-IS” basis and authors make no warranties in relation to its functionality or completeness.
- The authors do not warrant that the product or its functionality will be kept up to date, be true, accurate and not misleading, or that this application or its functionality will always (or forever) be available for use.
- In no event will authors be liable for any incidental, indirect, consequential or any other damages whatsoever arising out of the use of this product.
- We reserve the right to revise and amend this disclaimer notice at any time.
- If you do not accept this terms DO NOT INSTALL this product.