W +樂隊:24/7我的健身夥伴提供給您的健康啟發日常管理
★ All-day My Fitness partner
We establish various functions to help you manage your health with more convenience and balanced life. W+band Application is ready to be your smart partner.
★ Personal Health Diary
To manage your health in an effective way
To be motivated consistently as long as you need
To assist your better sleep
★ Track your daily activities
Represent all activities as active or inactive depending on movement details
Analyze activities during a day through activity records
Inspire people to achieve daily goals
Keep you fit as it checks your consumption of calories during a day
★ Analyze your steps
Calculate how far you walk and how much you burn calories daily
Notify your steps daily/weekly/monthly
Set reasonable goals as it analyze your average steps depends on a period
Quantify your records to help you manage health effectively
★ Analyze your sleep
Check your sleep pattern by quantifying sleep trends
Keep balanced-life with the sleep pattern analysis
Plan to be motivated your way through the analysis
★ Your fitness partner W+band, Wherever and whenever!
- Available to analyze automatically when upload your steps
- Keep you motivated as you set the goal
- Check daily activities, calories expended and other daily pattern
- Inspire you to keep your way as W+band reminds you to active
- Spend expected daily-life with daily analysis
- Notify you from important contact even your phone out of sight
- Balance daily condition with interlocked your mobile with W+band
- Live better and healthy way as recording slight changes of your health
- Use your W+band to hop on the subway and ktx