- Background ping timer changes
如果您因設備不兼容或軟件漏洞而在使用 Wake On Lan 的最新版本時遇到問題,在應用開發者修復問題之前,下載舊版本可能是一個實用的解決方案。APKPure 提供與各種設備和 Android 系統兼容的 Wake On Lan 所有舊版本。下載 Wake On Lan 的舊版本以用於 Android。APKPure 的所有下載均無病毒,並提供快速、安全的方式獲取您所需的應用程序版本歷史記錄。
- Background ping timer changes
Translation update
Thank you to everybody who takes the time to translate the app! Your efforts are very much appreciated. This version is just an update of the translations submitted. There are also 7 new languages that have been mostly been translated so I've added them into the app :)
There were a few weird things some people did and I think I've caught and reverted them all. If I did miss any please feel free to correct it and contact me via email so I can update it asap. Thanks everybody!
+ Readded the 'WiFi Network' option. Needed updating for Android 14. This feature needs location access, but the feature is optional. You can keep the permission disabled if you like.
+ Rewritten device add/edit dialog
- Provides a bit more feedback and highlights things that aren't correct
- Online status checks now display their current state and any error messages to help you diagnose issues
~ More tweaks to device online status checks to maybe improve reliability
+ Readded the 'WiFi Network' option. Needed updating for Android 14. This feature needs location access, but the feature is optional. You can keep the permission disabled if you like.
+ Rewritten device add/edit dialog
- Provides a bit more feedback and highlights things that aren't correct
- Online status checks now display their current state and any error messages to help you diagnose issues
~ More tweaks to device online status checks to maybe improve reliability
~ Fixes device adding (-1 error)
- This was a failed database creation for fresh installs of the app
- If you still have issues after this update, please reinstall or "Clear Data" for the app and it should start working again. Thank you, and sorry for the inconvenience.
- Updates the "Shortcut" widget to the latest android SDKs
- These new shortcut widgets double up the app icons, I can't change this as it's part of the new android system and I have no control over it
~ Fixes device adding (-1 error)
- This was a failed database creation for fresh installs of the app
- If you still have issues after this update, please reinstall or "Clear Data" for the app and it should start working again. Thank you, and sorry for the inconvenience.
- Updates the "Shortcut" widget to the latest android SDKs
- These new shortcut widgets double up the app icons, I can't change this as it's part of the new android system and I have no control over it
~ Fixes device adding (-1 error)
- This was a failed database creation for fresh installs of the app
- If you still have issues after this update, please reinstall or "Clear Data" for the app and it should start working again. Thank you, and sorry for the inconvenience.
- Updates the "Shortcut" widget to the latest android SDKs
- These new shortcut widgets double up the app icons, I can't change this as it's part of the new android system and I have no control over it.
~ This update should resolve widget issues introduced with the recent updates. (Mostly reverted to the old way of handling widgets as it seems way more stable)
~ Adds a new message to device search to show when the app is unable to obtain a devices MAC address automatically. If this happens you need to enter the MAC address manually. (Android 14 updates stopped it working properly)
~ Fixes ping service not running on main list if widget pings are disabled
~ More crash fixes
~ This update should resolve widget issues introduced with the recent updates. (Mostly reverted to the old way of handling widgets as it seems way more stable)
~ Adds a new message to device search to show when the app is unable to obtain a devices MAC address automatically. If this happens you need to enter the MAC address manually. (Android 14 updates stopped it working properly)
~ More crash fixes
~ This update should resolve widget issues introduced with the recent updates. (Mostly reverted to the old way of handling widgets as it seems way more stable)
~ Adds a new message to device search to show when the app is unable to obtain a devices MAC address automatically. If this happens you need to enter the MAC address manually. (Android 14 updates stopped it working properly)
~ More crash fixes (Newer android things keep catching me out :/)
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