關於Waluu : Dating and Humor
Join the largest social network specialized in "Dating & Humor"
The Waluu application is a new mobile social network that brings relaxation, humor and dating together through a great community and amazing features designed to find and chat with new people!
★★★ Over 50 concepts in 1 ★★★
Change the Waluu topic by clicking on the small arrow at the top of the application. Every time you do so, the app offers you a totally different concept and community!
★ List of available topics ★
Waluu contains some many amazing topics that will make you keep this app forever! Here is partial list of Waluu topics:
✓ Jookees: Share jokes and meet other jokers
✓ Live Dating: Seduce, pick up, comment, and like people you have never met!
✓ DailyMee: Share a picture of yourself every day
✓ Imagello: Exchange pictures with friends
✓ Poeemms: Share poems, slam, and even your own lyrics. Everything is possible here!
✓ Quotes: Discover the most beautiful quotes, proverbs and sayings of the community
✓ Twituu: A Twitter-like app to exchange 140-char messages
✓ JoliFood: Take pictures of your meals and vote and comment to select the best dish or dessert of the day.
✓ PiicPets: Pet pictures (cat, dog, hamster, horse, rabbit, etc.).
✓ LiveMeteo: Exchange of messages and sky pictures between members via smartphone.
✓ CityLive: Exchange of text and images around your city's news (strike, event, concert, portray the atmosphere at the local swimming pool, at the beach, on vacation in the mountains or by the sea, in your county and state, etc.).
★ Registration ★
While registration is OPTIONAL, there are many features only available to registered users. For example:
✓ Adding contributions
✓ Voting and commenting on each contribution
✓ Adding friends
✓ Sharing on Facebook, Twitter, SMS / MMS and email
★ How does Waluu work? ★
Waluu revolves around "Twituu", a chat application to send 140-character messages to everybody or only to certain people.
To contact a member, place "@" before his/her username.
Example: Contact Waluu's moderator (username "Admin") by writing a message as follows: "Hello @Admin, how can I ...”
You can vote on each contribution. The goal is to receive enough votes to join the "Top 24" and "Top Week" and thus become a power user!
Note: Attention to spelling, Waluu is not written Wallu, Walou, Wallou or even Waloo