關於Wander Noosa
Purpose of this App
The main purpose of Wander is to examine a methodology for performing Travel Surveys, using GPS-enabled smartphones. With installing this application on your iPhone, you will help us to improve the quality of Travel Surveys, which leads to more accurate transportation planning and management and better transportation facilities.
Participation and withdrawal
Installing this app and participation in travel surveys are completely voluntary and you are free to withdraw from this study at any time without prejudice or penalty. If you wish to withdraw, simply stop completing the exercise and uninstall the app. If you do withdraw from the study, only the materials that you have uploaded to that point will be included in the study. You have the option to delete any day of your trips before uploading it to the app's server. You always have the option to delete your travel record without uploading, or keep them for your own purpose.
What this application does
Wander records the travel behaviour of participants using the GPS tracking facilities on the device. The travel route will be recorded by recording the position of participant, X & Y, and the recording time. Collected data is recorded on the device and, only when a participant clicks the upload button, the travel record will be uploaded to a server. ATLAS II is designed to work in background and never causes any problem for you to access to the application of your iPhone.
As a participant, you will not be involved in any physical or mental discomfort, and no risks beyond those of everyday living. However, if you find any question or procedure to be invasive or offensive, simply stop completing the exercises and uninstall the app.
Confidentiality and security of data
All collected data in this exercise, will be coded by research team to protect those details that might be considered as confidential. Moreover, all recorded travel attributes will be de-identified and stored confidentially in a separate database and only members of the research team will have access to the collected data.
Please note that continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.