關於Way2Market Agri CM
“Way2Market Agri CM” is unique trading platform, which will bring together the Farmers, Traders, Processors, Exporters, Outside the State Buyers and Input Suppliers and address the issue of marketing of both agri outputs and inputs by facilitating trading operations among them. It will have a large number of Customers and Marketers interface in the State of Karnataka targeting sustainable linkage between the Market and the Farm. Provision for different types of users, automated matching and triggering, campaign, photos upload, service ranking, notification, bidding, expert advice and add-on services are part of this App, out of which few features will be added shortly.
Agri-tech Solutions is one of the key aspect of this App. It would enable the Farmers to source suitable Agri-tech Solutions and Products at competitive price and provides an opportunity for the Agri-tech Solutions providers and the Input Suppliers for showcasing their products and generation of sales. Under this, 10 categories of inputs, implements and machineries suppliers have been covered and it is a comprehensive solution for the Farmers.
Key features of Way2Market Agri CM:
- This App is Agri sector and Karnataka State specific and covers major crops grown in the State and products such as fresh crops, processed products, niche products and agri inputs,
- Its coverage includes all key markets across Karnataka with large buyers and sellers besides Outside the State Buyers,
- It has complete network access and will be GPS enabled in future and need based technology update can also be expected,
- Provision for telephonic discussion and need based advisory services would be part of this services,
- It has linkage with our revolutionary App “Way2ABI Agri FBI” that offers price outlook and market insights on selected crops,
- Coverage on latest developments and recent events in agri and allied sectors can be noticed,
- All content is based on the local conditions in Karnataka and available both in English and Kannada
- Trial version will be available for min. 7 days and users can find its benefits and subscribe
- Compatible App technology, user friendly and available both on Android and IOS are other key features.
Farmer Advisor: Suggests farmer regarding suitable crops for sowing/ planting expecting higher yield & higher price
News, events, magazines & innovative ideas included
Agri-tech solutions: Facilitates the farmers to source their requirements of agri inputs, implements & machineries and also input suppliers to promote their products
Bug fixes and performance improvement