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Weather Update
Download best & very useful app in you mobile.
Weather Update app gives real-time temperature conversation between Celsius and Fahrenheit .It's detect your current location automatically and display current weather condition with detailed weather information.
Weather Update is a Real-time Weather radar data that put into your pocket and get updated with current weather anywhere in world.
Automatically weather update in Weather Update app with your current location. Also you can add custom location. and current weather widget in your home screen with Feel like temperature.
Once add your favorite location and get current ,hourly, and next 15 day's Weather Forecast for that location by swiping.
Weather Map app allow to add multiple location once and get weather conditions for forever, Real-time Weather Forecasting.
make your day ,journey, Vacation beautiful with Weather Update Application with Weather Map & Real-time Radar information.
Features of Weather Update
o Current temperature and time date of current location
o Accurate Weather and Time Info
o Basic live weather information
o Searches for all cities in the world
o Automatic location detection
o High / low temperature, rainfall, wind..
o Beautiful weather backgrounds
o Temperature in status bar
o Current temperature and time
o Many beautiful weather skins
o Real-time weather alerts and weather
o Sunrise and Sunset times
o Many beautiful weather skins
o Automatic location detection by GPS
o Detailed Temperature(Fahrenheit/ Centigrade)
o Animated Wind chill and direction.
o Live Weather - Weather Radar & Forecast app : provides live weather, sunshine
weather, weather forecast, dark sky weather, weather underground, national weather
service, Simple Weather, .Accurate Weather Forecast, iWeather Forecast, Weather
Storm Shield.
If you like our Weather Update app, please rate and review us in the Play Store. If you have questions or suggestions, please submit them to phenominfosol@gmail.coms