關於What is Alcoholics Anonymous & 12 Steps Recovery?
Listen to speaker tapes from Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, daily reflections, recovery 12 step workshops and more to feel more rewarded for your sobriety. There is something amazing about hearing the history of how Alcoholics Anonymous got started and spread to become one of the greatest movements in history. It literally, emotionally, physically, mentally and physically, has changed millions of people’s lives. It has saved many of them from the wrath an addiction had over them. With AA Comes of Age Audio Recording from Alcoholics Anonymous, you get to hear these things. There are hundreds of hours of audio content available from this app and you even get to start with some free information too.
There will be Big Book stories to Bill and Bob’s stories of recovery. Throughout the app, you will get hours of life-changing, 12 step audio content that will help you stay in sobriety. There are speaker tapes, member’s personal stories, workshops and so much more. You get it all.
KEEP LIVING IN RECOVERY: Are you sick and tired of living in an addictive lifestyle? Are you sick and tired of living with alcohol ruining your life? You get to change all that and you can do that now, if you haven’t already. You get to be in recovery from the addiction. This is a right you have as a human being. There is no longer, seeing yourself just as an addict. You are human and deserve a life of recovery just like anyone else. With the stories, workshops and more in this app, you get to do that.
LEARN FROM BILL AND BOB: Getting into recovery from an addictive lifestyle is something you should be very proud of. When you do this, you are making a huge motivational and inspiring change in your life. It is important that you learn all you can about living this new lifestyle. You can start by learning from Bill and Bob, the founders of AA. In this app, they have some transformative stories to tell you.
GET HELPFUL TOOLS: In addition to hearing amazing people speak on their stories, in this app, you also get helpful tools as well. Meditation is one of the things that has helped many recovering addicts keep sober and overcome substance abuse. You get many meditative tools to help you as well. There will be daily readings, prayers and dozens of AA workshops too.
OVERCOME OBSTACLES: There are going to be obstacles in life for everyone. It is a matter of what you do when those obstacles arise. If you want to get and stay in sobriety, you must learn to overcome them, and you can let this app help you. There are many stories of overcoming obstacles and how to prevent a relapse when they arise as well. Let this app guide your way when an obstacle arises so you can continue on in living your sober lifestyle.
+ 1000+ audio tracks, 100+ hours of content
+ Daily featured audio content
+ Search and explore all content
+ Add to a favorites list
+ Listen while offline
+ Build a playlist of the tracks you want to hear
+ Read along with the text version
+ Sleep and meditation timer
+ Looping relaxation and meditation sounds (over 2.4 million combinations)
+ Daily inspiration notifications with powerful artwork to keep you motivated
Here are samples of the audio content you will discover throughout this app:
+ AA Speaker Tapes from Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings Vol. 1
+ AA Workshop - AA Way of Life Using Traditions in Relationships by Dave & Polly
+ AA Workshop - Lack of Power is our Dilemma by Joe H.
+ AA Workshop - The Most Important Parts of the Big Book - John K. & Michael K
+ AA Workshop - Walking the Straight and Narrow by Chris S.
+ Al-Anon Workshop - Having Relationships in AA & Al-Anon by Keith and Sue D.
+ Daily Readings and Reflections from the AA Big Book
+ Guided Meditations for Mindfulness, Relaxation & Sleep (1-5 mins each)
+ History of Alcoholics Anonymous and Recovery Beginnings
+ How to Live Sober 12 Steps Audio Companion
+ The Complete AA Big Book Audio and Text for Alcoholics Anonymous
and much more...
- Fixed the mysterious “Track Name” bug, sorry ya’ll
- Other small bugs squashed
- Fixed rating app annoyance; sorry about that one.
- Way improved audio player… Yay!
++ jump ahead/back
++ repeat track, playlist, content group
++ control playback speed
- Fixed bug with inspirations getting stuck (we hope)
- Fixed bug with playlist stopping after one track (we hope)
- Improved audio player performance