關於翼裝飛行 - Wingsuit Flying
• 3個極致的山脈場景,超過30個極其刺激的關卡!
• 10餘種頭盔和服裝的自由搭配,展現你的翼裝風格!
• 逼真的物理模擬讓你有身臨其境的感覺!
• 4種全新模式自由競技,9大成就等你來挑戰!
Did you ever dreamed of skydiving from a drop aircraft or a tall cliff or a safe mountain top? It’s your time now, strap in for a death defying ride in the sky in Wingsuit Flying today!
This is the most dangerous adrenaline sport on the planet – Wingsuit Flying! Pack your wingsuit, hurtle through beautiful landscapes, perform insane stunts, scare birds & plane pilots, and try not to die. Compete to prove that you are the fastest and best flyer in the world!
Game Features:
- Set in 3 stunning worldwide locations including deadly volcano
- A wide range of wingsuits and helmets to make everyone recognize you
- Fully 3D physics support and various real obstacles