關於Word Play 2013
數百萬款最新的 Android 應用程式、遊戲、音樂、電影、電視節目、書籍、雜誌等項目盡在其中,歡迎隨時隨地透過您的各種裝置取得。
Something is wrong.
In the last few months, a new disease has emerged that is transmitted not by water, by air, by contact – but by speech. Language. Via text messaging and email, telephone or video.
This disease attacks thought itself, undermining our ability to think critically and resist other people’s influence. This is an epidemic of harmful ideas and broken logic. And it’s spreading. Whole communities of people, highly contagious, wandering about, unable to talk, unable to take care of themselves, looking for things to believe in.
Don’t believe everything you hear.
This app is designed for use during Boho’s new show Word Play, a live action interactive play performed on-screen from across Canberra. The audience are situated in the CSIRO Discovery Centre lecture theatre, while the performers are live-streamed from a laboratory across the city using a high-speed video broadband connection.
Using this purpose-built app, the audience are able to interact directly with the performance, communicating with the performers and controlling them through a series of live computer game style sequences.
Word Play is a performance lecture exploring concepts from epidemiology, a live cinema experience and a hands-on video game in the survival horror genre.
Bring your phone.
More info: http://www.bohointeractive.com