關於WW Dark Sky
來自Dark Sky的製表師的擴展天氣數據。
THIS APP IS NOW OBSOLETE. Dark Sky will no longer provide API keys and they are discontinuing support for the service this app uses to get its data.
This tool will allow you to automatically get extended weather data from Dark Sky and make it available to Watchmaker. In addition the the weather data this app also gets some astronomical data from the U.S. Naval Observatory.
You must have the Watchmaker app (available on Google Play) installed for this to work!
You will need to set some Permission for this app to work properly, including Location and "Draw over other apps".
You will need an API key from Dark Sky. Go to https://darksky.net/dev to sign up for one. It will just take a few minutes and there is no cost.
Please consider buying a subscription to the Dark Sky app as a way of supporting the site. There is no obligation, but by using this app you are going to be using their services all the time. It only seems fair to give something back.
The Orbital Weather for Watchmaker face (available on Google Play) has built-in support for WW Dark Sky.
For detailed information about what data this app provides and how to use it on your own watchfaces please go to apps.aslanrefuge.org and read the WW Dark Sky: Instructions.