關於Fun - Translate your name to Japanese
FIND what your NAME would be in JAPANESE.
SHARE with your FRIENDS on whatsapp and facebook and have loads of FUN.
Translate your name to Japanese name. Share it with your friends, simples.
Just enter your NAME or your friend's or chat group's name and INSTANTLY find out its JAPANESE translation.
Details are based on character replacement from English to Japanese to translate.
This is for fun and entertainment translation ONLY.
If you like this app or game, please give a good review. If you have any feedback, please do send an email given with this listing, Please note that this app does not give dictionary meaning of your or someone else's name.
You can easily share your Japanese name on whatsapp, facebook or any other social media app. There is an option of copying text as well. You can share this app link as well with your friends for them to translate their name. This is not a dictionary meaning of your name. Dictionary is not used for this conversion. It is just for entertainment.
At the moment available for android mobile and tablet
Soon this free app will be available for iphone, ipad on itunes
download it today to play for free, lol . We make other free games and free apps as well.
Baby Names : It can be used for baby names conversion to japanese as well. Baby names conversion is for fun as well. We don't claim that this is true representation of conversion of baby names or any other name. It is based on a simple character replacement formula. If you want to know this formula for baby names conversion to japanese, please do get in touch.
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