Zikir Matik Pro - Daily Dhikr (Tasbeeh) Counter
關於Zikir Matik Pro - Daily Dhikr (Tasbeeh) Counter
We developed our ZikirMatik application according to your requests and we created our ZikirMatik Pro application, which is easy to use, easy to use, unlimited registration and use, which everyone can use very comfortably.
ZikirMatik Pro application offers multiple reports as well as specific reports based on all Dhikrs and Dhikr addition feature.
General Features of ZikirMatik Pro:
- Unlimited and free use,
- Adding unlimited chant,
- General Analysis Report (Today, Yesterday, within 7 days, within 30 days and Total)
- Total number of reports
- General settings page
- One-touch reset of all Dhikrs counts
- Delete all Dhikrs with one touch
- Night and Day Mode
- Audio On and Off
- Vibration Switching On and Off
- The button is on the right, on the left or in the middle according to the grip.
ZikirMatik Pro Other Features:
- Add, Delete and Update Dhikr
- Dhikr title, description and annotation
- Dhikr ratings (continuous, normal or sometimes)
- Dhikr Detail Report (Which day was taken)
Very soon
- Dhikr Reminder System (Which day you will take reminder which application will remind you)