Educational game and useful teaching resource for Teachers, Parents and Students
This is a game in order to help pupils to understand this integral math skill. From fingers and toes to beans and balls, counting just got a lot more fun! Now, in this game, we are in the sea and we see fishes to move. The number of fishes changes every time we will play and the pupil must count the number of fishes. After he must click on some fishes to change their color to red, as much as the funny teacher asks.In the end, the pupil must answer how many are the green fishes that are left. After, the pupil sees a new landscape and many dogs to walk in a green field. He must find the number of dogs and then the pupil must click some dogs to change their color to red, as much as the funny teacher asks. In the end, the pupil must answer to the question how many blue dogs are there now. Finally, the teacher announces the grade to the child. This is a helpful teaching resource for Teachers, Parents and Students.