Human Anatomy your human body Human Anatomy
"What is Human Anatomy? Human anatomy can be precisely defined as a complementary basic medical science, which deals with the scientific study of morphology of human body. In simpler words, human anatomy is the study of structure of human body. Subdivisions of Human Anatomy: There are two main levels of structure of human body (as well as every other thing): macroscopic level and microscopic level. For each of the two levels. there is a separate subdivision of anatomy. The one dealing with macroscopic level is known as gross anatomy and the other which deals with microscopic level is called microscopic anatomy or histology. Gross anatomy: Body Systems Logo In gross anatomy, structure of human body is studied as seen by naked eye. There are two approaches for gross anatomy: Regional approach and Systemic approach. In regional approach, human body is divided into regions like arm, forearm, wrist etc and all structures within that region are studied simultaneously. Whereas in systemic approach, the body is divided into organ systems such as skeletal system, muscular system, nervous system etc and structures belonging to one system are studied together. This website follows the systemic approach. Visit “Body Systems” for detailed study of each system of human body. "