Khoa học Máy tính các kỹ sư cho máy tính
"Software engineering is the investigation of the hypothesis, experimentation, and building that shape the reason for the outline and utilization of PCs. It is the logical and handy way to deal with calculation and its applications and the deliberate investigation of the attainability, structure, articulation, and automation of the orderly strategies (or calculations) that underlie the procurement, portrayal, handling, stockpiling, correspondence of, and access to data. A substitute, more brief meaning of software engineering is the investigation of computerizing algorithmic procedures that scale. A PC researcher spends significant time in the hypothesis of calculation and the plan of computational systems.[1] Its fields can be separated into an assortment of hypothetical and down to earth disciplines. A few fields, for example, computational intricacy hypothesis (which investigates the essential properties of computational and obstinate issues), are exceedingly theoretical, while fields, for example, PC designs underscore true visual applications. Different fields still concentrate on challenges in actualizing calculation. For instance, programming dialect hypothesis considers different ways to deal with the depiction of calculation, while the investigation of PC programming itself explores different parts of the utilization of programming dialect and complex frameworks. Human– PC connection considers the difficulties in making PCs and calculations valuable, usable, and all around open to people."