Lời khuyên về Làm thế nào để Kiếm tiền
Many people don’t seem to understand this — and it makes sense. We’ve all been hardwired to believe that we’re destined to work mundane 9 to 5 jobs for the rest of our lives until we make enough money to become “rich” and retire to a condo in Florida. But once we understand that our earning potential is LIMITLESS, we can truly start working towards living the life we want TODAY. One of my favorite tactics to do that is by earning more money on the side. Even if you have a job you enjoy, there’s really no reason you shouldn’t be making more money on top of that. In fact, you have so many BETTER reasons to do it: Most people don’t even think to earn more — giving you an edge. Because of differences in skill, motivation, and luck, few people ever try to earn more. Instead, they choose to complain about things they can’t control like the economy and taxes while focusing on things like cutting out lattes to save money. So if you’re in that small group of motivated hustlers who do actually earn more, you earn the lion’s share of side revenue. When you pick an area to excel where there’s a built-in barrier to success — like earning more money on the side — the winners get disproportionate winnings. Mitigate your risks. What if you lost your job tomorrow? Would you have another source of income to fall back on? If not, you’re going to have to dip into your emergency fund…if you have one that is.From reading this site, you know about the importance of diversifying your investments. It’s the same idea when it comes to your revenue sources. Managing your money and earning more money is a powerful combination. Combine earning more with the automation strategy for saving, investing, and spending that I outline in my book and you’ll have a powerful financial combination guaranteed to set you up for a Rich Life.