Ứng dụng chính thức - Trippanachi Chăm sóc chính thức
Trippanachi Palliative Care is a charitable organization which was established in 2013 with the objective of delivering services to the Pulpatta Panchayat area of the southern Indian state of Kerala. Volunteers of the Pulpatta panchayat are spearheading the work of Trippanchi Palliative Care. All Thrippanchi Palliative Care services are free of charge. The only source of income for Trippanchi Palliative Care is donations from the generous public. Thrippanchi Palliative Care strives to provide comfort and bedside care to patients suffering from chronic illnesses. Trippachchi Palliative Care looks forward to your support to our fellow human beings who have been sentenced to life-long illness due to life-threatening illnesses. Trippanchi Palliative Care is a registered society (645/2013) which is registered under the Society Registration Act of India, and the accounts are audited annually by Chartered Accountants. Its reports are published to the public every year. We hope your support of Trippanachi Palliative Care. You can make a direct donation to the Trippanchi Palliative Care account.