Perikles là một ứng dụng riêng để giúp cử tri cung cấp thông tin bầu cử. KnowYourVote
This application is from a private LLC that is only displaying what is made available through other public resources. All of these resources are cited throughout the app for that very reason. You can know what the upcoming ballot will show, where your polling location is, and how to register to vote. All of this information can be found on the county election boards and by researching the individual candidates. This app is the culmination and simplifying of that publicly given information. The app requires your location to display your nearest polling location in relation to your current location. By creating an account it will ask for an email (this app will never send spam messages to this email), it will ask for a political affiliation (this is used to display primary information using this), and for the user to select a most important issue (This can be displayed to candidates to assist them in selecting policies for their own pages). This is still a young app and many changes will still occur to further update and refine its systems. The hope of this app is to assist people in knowing all candidates at all levels of the ballot, regardless of campaign finance or popularity. If a candidate is shown on a ballot, their information will be displayed on this application. The goal is for people to be confidant in their vote. For information provided by the state of Illinois and where this app cites it's information go to