Điều này sử dụng nhiều thông tin và tính năng trên Hệ thống quản lý cơ sở USL
University of Sierra Leone (USL), Mobile Application (University of Sierra Leone / USL App) is a mobile tool for accessing the numerous information and features of the university website and portal in a simplified manner using smart devices. Amongst these features include: About USL, messages from the Vice Chancellor & Principal, Deputy Vice Chancellors from the constituent colleges & School of Post-Graduate Studies, News, Admission, Campus maps, Timetables, Alumni, Library, Courses, University of Sierra Leone website link and other vital information. With this app, one can manage all aspects of student information starting from admission to graduation depending on the privilege of the account that one has in the University portal. The application can also enable one to make use of all the University social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Google Scholar, Instagram, YouTube etc.