Best place to make and share your best recipes
From recipe discovery apps and classic cookbooks, to personal recipe organizers, check out our great application ,World recipes is the application that s allow you to share your own recipes with other peoples and give you a feed back about how good you are in the food world that inspires mobinotes to be creative with their home menus. Throughout the world there are many recipes of fans : delicious food, healthy food,recipes that are easy and very tasty that can be used as a diet,we have also dishes of Spanish cuisine , French frites ,American food... Every recipe contain differents recipes that are quick-to-do and easy-to-prepare, using ingredients readily available in supermarkets.Love the taste of traditionnal dishes? Cooking them yourself can be a lot easier than you think. Check out these authentic recipes and easy worlds Recipe collections, from starters to desserts.World recipes has more than 200 French recipes including gourmet recipes, main menu recipes, easy recipes, baking recipes, kid recipes, starters recipes, side dishes recipes and more. Our application also delivers diffrent interesting features on many cthegories of traditional dining and chefs and food lovers. Test worlds recipe and Enjoy your meal!