Easy Signature - Digital Signature - eSignature
Easy Signature - Digital Signature - eSignature সম্পর্কে
Easy signature provides you to create your personal digital signature.
Easy signature provides you Ad free service to create your own digital signatures. Draw with your finger to generate your personal signatures and it allows you to sign in multiple steps to provide more accuracy. Also, it can be used for various purposes like sketch-board, slate etc.
Key Features:
1). This small app allows you to create digital signatures without Ads.
2). You are able to Erase part of the signature while drawing and you are also able to CLEAR whole signature with single tap.
3). It allows you to save your signatures with name for later use
4). You can trim transparent pixels while saving the signature
5). It allows you to see all previous saved signatures as list with date and name and able to slide all signatures from the list
6). You can share your signature via Email, WhatsApp, Facebook etc.
7). It allows you to delete your saved signatures
8). Setting screen will provide you to change background color or transparent, change signature color, size, format (png/jpeg) as your requirement.
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What's new in the latest 1.2.0
Easy Signature - Digital Signature - eSignature APK Information
Easy Signature - Digital Signature - eSignature এর পুরানো সংস্করণ
Easy Signature - Digital Signature - eSignature 1.2.0
Easy Signature - Digital Signature - eSignature 1.0.1
APKPure অ্যাপের মাধ্যমে অতি দ্রুত এবং নিরাপদ ডাউনলোড করা হচ্ছে
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