রেকর্ডিং-এর জন্য টুল বিভিন্ন মিথষ্ক্রিয়া কার্যবিধি ব্যবহার শোনাচ্ছে.
The "Multimodal recorder" application is a handy tool for recording sounds using different interaction modalities. It was fully modeled and generated using a Model Driven Ingeneering approach. To start recording, the user touches the “Start” button. The application starts recording and emits a short vibration, displays a quick message and disables the “Start” button as a feedback. To stop recording, the user can choose between: touching the “Stop” button or shaking the phone while being close to it (covering the proximity sensor) (the second choice can be applied when the user is wearing gloves for example). The system then stops recording, vibrates, displays the recorded file address and enable the “Start” button.