关于туфли на платформе с каблуком
Visual design ideas about platform heels shoes.
Platform shoes are shoes whose soles are much higher than normal shoes. In some models, the sole and heel are at the same height, while in others, the heel is higher than the sole. There are platform models of many types of shoes such as high heels, boots, sneakers.
The advantages of platform shoes are actually quite many. padding and platform; It makes the heel feel much more comfortable compared to any thin heel, as it transfers the load of the foot to the sole by balancing it while increasing the heel height in the shoe. In addition, the contribution of taller height to the image of the person is indisputable. It is also for this reason that stage artists use this advantage in the past and still ongoing world fashion. While creating a magnificent image on stage thanks to platform shoes; Since there is no movement restriction, energetic and effective performances emerge.
In the field of shoes, very radical derivatives have been produced in heels in recent years. These changes in heel forms are also reflected in the soles of platform shoes. Using their imagination to the fullest, fashion designers design high-end platforms where foot ergonomics can be adapted.
Platform shoes are basically prepared in 2 categories. First category; focusing only the front part of the sole on the foot load. Thus, the shoe design can be diversified with a separate heel support. Another category of platform shoes is the options in which the body weight is carried to the sole. In these shoe models, instead of a visually separate heel, there is a whole form.
Wedge heel and platform shoes seem to dominate the active trend that started years ago, today and in the future. Have they always been a part of your style or will you be one of those who prefer these shoes for the first time this season to try a new clothing trend? The choice is always yours. However, if there is an indisputable truth, it is that women wearing platform shoes will be very trendy this season. Heeled shoes are considered the only constant part of elegance. There are palatform heels designed stylishly for every dress and every fashion. They are even designed separately for each season.
If you are looking for a platform heeled shoe model for your elegance, you should visit our "Platform Heeled Shoes" application. In our "Platform Heeled Shoes" application, you will find great platform heels that are compatible with every style, every age group and every fashion, and you will like them all. Download our "Platform Heels Shoes" app now and enjoy.
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