关于লক্ষীর ভান্ডার প্রকল্প
লক্ষীর ভান্ডার
লক্ষীর ভান্ডার প্রকল্পের মাধ্যমে মমতা সরকার পশ্চিমবঙ্গের প্রতিটি মেয়েকে দিচ্ছে ৫০০ টাকা এবং তপসিলি জাতি ও উপজাতি দের দিচ্ছে ১০০০ টাকা করে। কিভাবে লক্ষীর ভান্ডার প্রকল্পে আবেদন করবেন ও কিভাবে আপনি টাকা আপনার ব্যাঙ্ক এ পাবেন জানতে এপ্প টি অবশ্যই ডাউনলোড করুন
Lakshmir Bhander is the very popular scheme for women in West Bengal. Mamata Banerjee sarkar helps to poor people as well as women who lives in West Bengal state by giving monthly pension in this scheme.
Mamata sarkar has been introduced a new scheme named ‘Duare Ration’ which are provide all Ration related facility at your door step, to know how you can take this download this app and enjoy the benefit.
-: App features :-
👉 Lakshmir Bhander apply
👉 Apply for Ration card
👉 Link Ration Card & Adhaar
👉 Rectification of name and address
👉 Online changes from Mobile
👉 Download offline Application form
There are main 3 category Ration card available in West Bengal like Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY), Priority Household (PHH), Rajya Khadya Suraksha Yojana-I(RKSY-I), Rajya Khadya Suraksha Yojana-II(RKSY-II). People receiving their ration as per their card category, you can also know how much ration allotted for you in this app.
Data Taken from
Ration card: https://wbpds.gov.in/PDS/ration_card.html
Link Ration & Adhaar: https://wbpds.wb.gov.in
Kanyashree: https://www.wbkanyashree.gov.in
Yuvashree: https://employmentbankwb.gov.in
Swasthya sathi: https://swasthyasathi.gov.in
Karma sathi: https://karmasathi.wb.gov.in
Krishak bandhu: https://krishakbandhu.net
Disclaimer: This is not an official app. We do not represent the government entity or not any partnership with government enterprise. This application use only 3rd party contents which are freely available at https://wbpds.gov.in. We don’t ask for any personal information but site may ask, user need to understand and provide data at their own risk.
Privacy policy available at: https://banglar-app.blogspot.com/p/app-privacy-policy.html
Duare Ration prokolpo
Link Ration card & Adhaar
Change name in Ration card