- 支持繁简体中文切换- 含保留签诗功能- 自行编辑所求签诗备注- 支持测算结果搜寻, 测算结果仅供参考 (new)
Please ensure that you have enough memory before installing.
您心中有不解的困惑吗?面临抉择不知如何是好?来试试文王神卦吧,藉由前人智慧的指引,让所惑之事了然于胸,本程序无复杂的设定,输入一组数字及多达64样的测算项目, 就能推算不管在事业,升学,婚姻等方面之事,相信可以满足你的需求。
Has anything confused you, or are you confused in making a decision?
Thia program can help you to face these issues without complex procedures.
The result is just the composition of a random group of numbers between 0 and 999 with a specified topic. If you are interested in Chinese feng shui then please do not miss this, another ancient Chinese wisdom. :)
关键词: 运势, 月老, 招财, 掷茭, 吉时, 改运, 解梦, 金钱卦, 龟卦, 卦, 算命, 光明, 手电, 闪光, flash, 命相, 命理, 求财, 灵签, 事业, 财运, 婚姻, 免费, 算卦, 卜卦, 灯,占卜, 工作, 预测, 吉凶, 风水, 健康, 桃花
- 含保留籤詩功能
- 自行編輯所求籤詩備註
- 支援測算結果搜尋
- bug fix