关于123b ginrummy
123b Gin Rummy is a simple card game, but also challenging and engaging
123b Gin Rummy is a simple card game, but also challenging and engaging. In this game, two or more players compete to create decks or runs from a deck of fairy cards. The ultimate goal is to win by reaching the lowest score after a predetermined number of rounds.
A 123b Gin Rummy match begins with an even number of cards being dealt to each player. In the hand, each player tries to arrange his or her cards into decks or decks. A deck is a group of three or four cards with the same number or face. For example, a deck could be four "Aces", or three "Fives". A deck is a consecutive sequence of three or more cards of the same color. For example, a set of cards could be "3, 4, 5" of the Body suit.
123b During play, each player has their turn, in which they can take a card from the undrawn pile or from the pile that has been played by their opponent. The player must choose to keep one card from the hand and play an unnecessary card. The goal is to arrange your hands so that you can create as many valid decks or sequences as possible and reduce penalty points.