关于150+ Fast (Vrat/Upvas) Recipes Marathi
In this app many Fasting (Upvas / Vrat) Recipes describes in this application.
Top Fast Recipe in Hindi. its also called as Vrat,Upvas Recipe. Fast Recipes application describe many farali, vrat and upvas recipes in Marathi.
Farali food is a type of food that can be eaten during certain fasts, Upvaas or vrat in hindu religion. Generally, farali recipes or upvas recipes avoid beans, pulses, grains, garlic and onion. Farali food can be consumed when observing Ekadashi upvaas. Fresh and dried fruits, milk products, vegetables and nuts are also considered farali. One can also eat Farali food during shravan maas and chaturmas.
Fast Recipes Contains all vrat Recipe,Upvas Recipe,Fast Recipe.
Fast Food Recipes app will show you hundreds of easy ways to cook your food.
All Recipes are discribe step by step so that easily made by every user.
Using this app you can easily carry recipe book in your pocket and you can easily read recipes of your favorite dishes anywhere anytime.
Upvaas allows selected food varieties (Farali dishes) to be consumed during the day. This App covers most of all Farali dishes that can be consumed on Upvaas as per the traditions without compromising with your taste buds. Each of the recipes come along with a unique tip to make it easier to cook and more tasty!
The recipes inside the App range from Sabudana Khichdi, Lauki Halwa, Peanut & Farali soup, Rajgira Puris, Frari patra & Farali Dosa to name a few.
Collection of best and various types of Fast Recipes in Marathi.
Here you will get 150+ easy to made farali recipes
Using this app you can easily carry recipe book in your pocket and you can easily read recipes of your favorite dishes anywhere anytime.
All Popular Fast Recipes in One App:
All Biscuit recipes having step by step instruction to make it easily. you can also save for easy and fast access.
Recipes are included in this app are:
+ Panir Khir
+ Farali Dhosa
+ Farali Idli Sambhar
+ Sabudana Khichdi
+ Sabudane ke Pulav
+ Aalu ka Halva
+ Angur ki Chatni
+ Panir Dahi - Vada
+ Kaju Chikki
+ Kela Katlet
+ Moraiya Khichdi
***** Key Features of app *****
- easily share with your friend and family in social apps.
- this app provide user friendly design.
- totally free available on market.
All Popular Fast Recipes in One App:
All Fast recipes having step by step instruction to make it easily. you can also save for easy and fast access.
*बीकानेरी चना दाल पराठा
*आलू बड़ी की सब्जी
*राजस्थानी दही पापड़ की सब्जी बनाने की विधि
*हरी मटर का चिल्ला
*राजस्थानी टेस्टी कढ़ी
*प्याज-टमाटर रायता
*आंवले का सूखा मुरब्बा बनाने की आसान विधि
*मूंग दाल का हलवा
*मावे की कचौड़ी
*मालपुआ बनाने की विधि
*राजस्थानी घेवर बनाने की विधि
*मक्का की पिन्नी
*गुड़ की खीर
*राजस्थानी दही पापड़ की सब्जी बनाने की विधि
*आलू गोभी की सब्जी
*स्वादिष्ट भरवां बैंगन
*पटोरी बेसनी मिर्च
*राजस्थानी काले चने की सब्जी
*साग पनीर
*राजस्थानी भिंडी सब्जी कैसे बनायें
*राजस्थानी गट्टा पुलाव
*राजस्थानी गट्टे की सब्जी
*उड़द दाल कचौड़ी
*राजस्थानी प्याज की कचौड़ी
*सत्तू की मसालेदार बाटी
*आलू की कचौड़ी
*राजस्थानी निमकी
*राजस्थानी काँजी बड़ा
*राजस्थानी हांडवो
*पापड़ की चूरी
*जायका राजस्थानी पंचकुटी दाल का
*राजस्थानी कढी
*पंचमेल की दाल बाटी चूरमा के साथ
*राजस्थानी गट्टे की कढ़ी
*दाल ढोकली
*मिर्च वड़ा
*तिल मावा गजक
*काजू चिक्की
*जीरा राइस कुकर में
*मैसूर बोंडा
*फ्राइड मोमोज
*चॉकलेट नारियल लड्डू
*ब्रेड दही वड़ा
*आटे की मीठी मठरी
*एगलैस मेयोनीज
*दूध से मेयोनीज
*मीठे मिनी समोसे
*दही वाले रसीले आलू
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