关于3D Zoo AR
Required: Before using this app, you will need to purchase the
“Jungle Safari” Augmented Reality book from InteractiveAR.
Did you know that it is possible to see animals in full 4D right
in the room with you? Using your tablet or smartphone,
the application brings each page of “Jungle Safari” alive using
state of the art “Augmented Reality”. Each animal talks to you,
telling interesting and educational facts about their life.
This unique experience is guarantee to entertain every child.
What is Augmented Reality?
AR is a new, fascinating and exciting technology that utilizes
any mobile device to display what has become known as
Augmented Reality. Once the application (using the device camera)
has “anchored” to the page, the story unfolds as a 4D layer
right before you as if it is actually in the room. The device can
be moved around the image to view from any angle.