关于4K HD Wallpaper 2018 Edition
HD wallpaper is the new edition to the ifthaker apps colleciton with sleek and amazing design, and wallpaper for every mood and country and race.
"It's not just another wallpaper app that offers another flower, scenery and other types of wallpapers"
HD wallpaper is one of the best and most amazing wallpaper app in the playstore market. What is a HD wallpaper?
An HD wallpaper app has a great collection of 4k Wallpaper with crystal quality and amazing eye catching design.
HD wallpaper has many features and great skins and personallization that anyone with a creativity knowledge and make his or smartphone one of the best good looking smartphone in the world. It has 3D parallax effect that can blow your mind . Also it has an amoled black screens so if you want to make your phone super slick in the dark the amoled wallpaper will be your best bet.
Some amazing features of "HD Wallpaper"
Super Sleek and Smooth Design
50+ Categories
More than 100,000 HD wallpapers
Amoled Wallpaper for night mode and eye relaxing
Wallpapers categoried into National holiday, National Pizza Day, Friendship day and many other categories
Also we have a wide range of countrybased wallpaper in the selection.
Quality Matters: Thanks to our high quality cloud based servers we can offer 4k high resolution HD and 1080/780p Wallpapers
Great Community: We are gathering a great community of artist and photographers to give you the best products for FREE: Yes you saw that right "FREE"
How to use the App
Install the HD wallpaper app in your smartphone and you will see all the recent photos. Select from those photos. Or you slide the left bar to open the menu bar of the app. Select Categories and you will find all the photos according to their interest.
The Wallpapers are high quality 4k resolution, So some wallpapers may need sometime to download and install.
Ad policy: The 4K HD wallpaper app is a free app. That being said, we show advetisement to raise and continue development of the app
Privacy policy and copyright infringement: If you believe something is wrong or you have seen other's or your work has been copyrighted please dont hasitate to contact with us using the contact us form found in the playstore.