关于7/12 Uttar pradesh Bhoolekh
7/12 Uttar pradesh Bhoolekh Land Info is Land Record of Uttar pradesh. Its Available of Government website to check land record of in detail.
7/12 Uttar pradesh Bhoolekh Land Info application provide information about 7/12, 8(a), 6 etc,total area, total assessment value, tenure, land, land use, name of farmer,
ownership details of Uttar pradesh state in India.
Farmer, Land broker and buyer can get detail of the land via entering the survey no, village, taluka & district names. Save All as PDF
some are not know where is the website is available so our company provide to view land record in mobile phone.
Feature of the application
- Select your District
- Select your Taluka
- Select your village
- Enter your survey number
- Get your 7/12