关于Aatma Ka Rahasya
According to the Vedas, Garud Puran and some Upanishads, there are eight kinds of soul after death, which is also called speed. It is basically divided into two parts: first fire and second speed. In the life of a person does not get salvation, he has to be born again. In motion, the creature has to go to some people.
There are four types of Agati, Akshardokk, Bhoomodakk, Third Agati and 4th Agati. In life, in the absence of life, the soul comes back into the mortal as a person and lives a life of saints, finds happiness and a luxurious life in the earth, in the third world, in the lowly or animal life and in the fourth motion, the insects, is. At the same time, four people have been given under the speed, and according to their actions, the creatures get place in the four places of motion, Brahmaklok, Devlok, Father folk and Hell people.