Accent Drift Simulator历史版本
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Accent Drift Simulator的历史版本
- 5.8(48)XAPKAPKs下载2025年01月24日133.5 MBAndroid 5.1+5.8版本更新
- 5.7(47)XAPKAPKs下载2025年01月14日135.5 MBAndroid 5.1+5.7版本更新
The big update dated January 10, 2025 has arrived.
- Added ability to play without internet.
- Realistic new driving and drift system.
- Ability to get in or out of the car.
- Police Tracking System has been improved.
- Changes and improvements to Camera Angles.
- Driving systems such as ABS, TCS, ESP, SHP and Spinning system.
and more new features and improvements. Don't forget to comment and star. We read your comments and update the games accordingly. Thanks everyone, have a nice game. - 5.6(46)XAPKAPKs下载2025年01月10日121.5 MBAndroid 5.1+5.6版本更新
The big update dated January10, 2025 has arrived.
- Added ability to play without internet.
- Realistic new driving and drift system.
- Ability to get in or out of the car.
- Police Tracking System has been improved.
- Changes and improvements to Camera Angles.
- Driving systems such as ABS, TCS, ESP, SHP and Spinning system.
and more new features and improvements. Don't forget to comment and star. We read your comments and update the games accordingly. Thanks everyone, have a nice game. - 5.5(45)XAPKAPKs下载2025年01月01日121.5 MBAndroid 5.1+5.5版本更新
The big update dated December 31, 2024 has arrived.
- Added ability to play without internet.
- Realistic new driving and drift system.
- Ability to get in or out of the car.
- Police Tracking System has been improved.
- Changes and improvements to Camera Angles.
- Driving systems such as ABS, TCS, ESP, SHP and Spinning system.
and more new features and improvements. Don't forget to comment and star. We read your comments and update the games accordingly. Thanks everyone, have a nice game. - 5.2(43)XAPKAPKs下载2024年10月03日118.5 MBAndroid 5.1+5.2版本更新
The big update dated August 30, 2024 has arrived.
- Added ability to play without internet.
- Realistic new driving and drift system.
- Ability to get in or out of the car.
- Police Tracking System has been improved.
- Changes and improvements to Camera Angles.
- Driving systems such as ABS, TCS, ESP, SHP and Spinning system.
and more new features and improvements. Don't forget to comment and star. We read your comments and update the games accordingly. Thanks everyone, have a nice game. - 5.0(41)XAPKAPKs下载2024年08月30日117.9 MBAndroid 5.1+5.0版本更新
The big update dated August 30, 2024 has arrived.
- Added ability to play without internet.
- Realistic new driving and drift system.
- Ability to get in or out of the car.
- Police Tracking System has been improved.
- Changes and improvements to Camera Angles.
- Driving systems such as ABS, TCS, ESP, SHP and Spinning system.
and more new features and improvements. Don't forget to comment and star. We read your comments and update the games accordingly. Thanks everyone, have a nice game. - 4.1(32)APK下载2020年03月18日56.2 MBAndroid 4.1+4.1版本更新
Don't forget to comment and throw stars. We read all of the comments, we take out new games and update them accordingly. This game is based on comments. Thanks to everyone, good games.
- 4.0(30)XAPKAPKs下载2020年03月11日58.0 MBAndroid 4.1+4.0版本更新
Don't forget to comment and throw stars. We read all of the comments, we take out new games and update them accordingly. This game is based on comments. Thanks to everyone, good games.
- 3.4(24)XAPKAPKs下载2019年10月04日70.3 MBAndroid 4.1+3.4版本更新
Great update came. The game has been completely changed. Updated according to comments.
✓ Forward Reverse Gear.
✓ Police Tracking System.
✓ Graphics Optimization.
✓ Physics Corrections.
and more features than.
Do not forget to comment and star. We read all of the comments, we make new games for him. This game is based on comments. Thanks to everyone, good games. - 3.2(22)XAPKAPKs下载2019年09月24日70.3 MBAndroid 4.1+3.2版本更新
Great update came. The game has been completely changed. Updated according to comments.
✓ Forward Reverse Gear.
✓ Police Tracking System.
✓ Graphics Optimization.
✓ Physics Corrections.
and more features than.
Do not forget to comment and star. We read all of the comments, we make new games for him. This game is based on comments. Thanks to everyone, good games.
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