关于Actialert - Your health on your hands
Lockdowns are now over and the world around us is slowly and steadily waking up to altered realities and a new way of life. Yet, the dreaded fear of infection is far from over, it is in fact only getting worse day after day.
Inspite of these palpable fears, some job profiles need their employees to work physically, not just virtually. Not only employees but employers as well are worried about the health and safety of all those who work for them. Manual monitoring can only go so far and comes ridden with its own set of loopholes and misses. This puts everyone at unnecessary risk.
In case of schools, the peril in opening up, is even greater. Children usually suffer from low immunity making them highly susceptible to the virus. Others who due to close working environments are equally susceptible are our medical warriors, patients admitted in hospitals, allied service providers, government, police, military and para-military personnel.
How then, can organisations ensure that their attendees are hale & hearty and symptom free at all times? This is where ActiAlert comes to the rescue.
What is ActiAlert© and how does it work?
Actialert© comprises of a wearable device around an individual’s wrist, the Actialert© app on the user’s mobile phone and a cloud platform to store data and validate it against pre-fed parameters.
Actialert© is a tamper-proof hardware and software solution that can be applied to any number of persons in an organisation albeit with different wearable devices.
The Actialert© Wearable Device:
It measures parameters like temperature, heart rate, BP, SpO2 levels apart from tracking regular fitness data. Most of the above parameters are limited to being viewed on the watch face alone; barring a few critical ones like temperature that is sent to cloud.
The Actialert© app:
When installed on a user’s mobile phone, the app interacts with the wearable device and periodically draws temperature readings.
The Actialert© Cloud Storage:
Readings recorded by the device are then periodically uploaded onto a cloud and stored for upto 6 months for history and validation.
How and whom does Actialert© help?
In case body temperatures continually exceed 98.9°F or 37.2°C, an alert is discreetly sounded for the wearer, the organisation’s representative and a couple of near & dear ones nominated by the wearer, beforehand.
Dashboards are designed to effectively track affected cases in various stages helping organisations to rest easy knowing that everyone in their workplace has a clean chit of health.
Safety of the Stored Data:
Mobile app: The mobile App works only with the pre-assigned Actialert devices and will not be able to pair with any other devices. In addition, they will have to have an account registered with Actialert Cloud platform.
Administrators of the individual institutions are given access to create the required user accounts with contact details. Only these approved mobile numbers will be allowed to pair with the device and to link up to the cloud platform.
The Cloud Platform:
The Cloud Platform has two levels of users. One is the Super User Admin – who is able to create the institution id and create one administrator account for each institution. The super user’s role is limited to creating the institution account details and administrating of the institution’s subscription details. They are not given any access to any of the data of the institution nor the user’s data of the institution.
An administrator is created for the institution, and this administrator is in complete control of administering the users of his institution.
The cloud platform will authenticate the mobile numbers and the users with an OTP while registering the user device and syncing with the Cloud platform.
The entire communication between the admin to the cloud platform use a 256-bit token base authentication. User Level based security permissions are maintained so that the sanctity of the data is protected and maintained.
• Connecting to watch when app is inactive
• Performance optimization
• Fixed crash issue
Thanks for using Acti Alert!