关于Advance English Dictionary Offline
The Advanced English Dictionary is completely offline.They are design for those who want to improve his English.
The Advanced English Dictionary contain of 150000+ word and can use easy for every one how want.They have also the feature addition of words if you want add to word so can easily add word and they have store in the database so for the search of those word which you have added so can easily search for the next time .
The Advanced English Dictionary contain many of Antonyms and Synonyms are included.
The Advanced English Dictionary help you to better understand and facilitates quick finding of Correct word.The Advanced English Dictionary is the Number 1 Dictionary is useful for learning new words for Education And learning Advnced Words.
They have some some major Feature
Pronounce words
History of recently search Words
favorites words
Simple And easy for children
Fully Offline
Addition of Words
Nearby word
Easily share ,copy words