关于Advent 2012: 25 Christmas Apps
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Discover 25 of the finest festive apps for the holidays with the help of the latest version of our legendary Advent Calendar for apps!
We’ve handpicked some of the greatest apps on the Google Play and we’re giving them to you as wonderful Christmas gifts. From the 1st December, you’ll be able to treat yourself to a superb free app every day until Santa is bringing your presents down the chimney!
Advent 2012 is packed with loads of amazing features bound to get you into the holiday mood. They include:
- 25 free and festive apps: whether it’s fun for all the family, great for gamers or just a exclusive little gifts, there’s something for everyone to enjoy!
- An amazingly beautiful appearance; watch as the warm and cosy fireside scene is brought to life every time you discover a brand new gift.
- A Santa sack full of Christmas mini games to play and enjoy every time you open a new window.
- A stack of seriously christmassy tunes bound to get you in the mood for presents.
So hang your stockings on the wall, bring out the Christmas candles and get ready for the holidays with the help of our finest Advent Calendar ever.
Happy Christmas!
The MagicSolver Team
Thanks for all the great feedback and reviews! If you have any further thoughts, drop us an email to [email protected]!