关于Age Calculator
Calculate Your Age | Birthday Reminder | Age Difference | Calculate Working Days.
The best for instant age calculator, also app has different calculator.
Age calculator -
Here you can calculate your current age with completed years, months, weeks, days. You just have to select current date and your birth date app will automatically calculate the your age with all details.
Age Difference -
Here app is solving everyone common problem. While calculating the difference between two people mostly it will take time to get the result. With this app you can get quick age difference on a single click. Here you just have select first person's birth date and then select second person's birth date. App will calculate the exact and accurate age difference with all detailed margins.
Birthday Reminder -
Solving again common problem. The app will remind you your loved ones birthday. You just have set the reminder with name, description, time and date. App will remind you the Birthday date of your friends and families.
Working Days Calculator -
Here you can calculate the working days to required month. App calculate all the working days just on single click. Also you can customize the particular date and day as well according to you. And the app will show you the exact result.
The application provides a very simple user interface that easily calculate your age and birthday, and also you can add as many family and friends birthdays and important days as you needed, which is useful for keep tracking and also it is useful to find date difference between two dates like wedding anniversary, work anniversaries, events, etc...
For more download the Age Calculator App.