如果您因设备不兼容或软件漏洞而在使用 AI相册 的最新版本时遇到问题,在应用开发者修复问题之前,下载旧版本可能是一个实用的解决方案。APKPure 提供与各种设备和 Android 系统兼容的 AI相册 所有旧版本。下载 AI相册 的旧版本以用于 Android。APKPure 的所有下载均无病毒,并提供快速、安全的方式获取您所需的应用程序版本历史记录。
-下载2024年12月10日77.5 MBAndroid 12.0+版本更新
-下载2024年07月10日76.7 MBAndroid 12.0+版本更新
-下载2023年09月29日46.8 MBAndroid 8.0+版本更新
-下载2021年07月16日42.6 MBAndroid 5.0+版本更新
New UI appearance and two new features!
1. New UI design upgrade.
2. Picture compress. With advanced algorithm, compress the memory space cost of pictures without quality loss, which can help you save more memory space for your phone.
3. Private albums. You can hide some pictures with password, to prevent others from seeing them.(Only provide on Tecno and Infinix phones)
4. Picture Mark: You can mark pictures freely in pictures, add mosaics and freely crop them.
5. About Page. -下载2020年10月15日24.9 MBAndroid 5.0+版本更新
New UI appearance and two new features!
1. New UI design upgrade.
2. Picture compress. With advanced algorithm, compress the memory space cost of pictures without quality loss, which can help you save more memory space for your phone.
3. Private albums. You can hide some pictures with password, to prevent others from seeing them.(Only provide on Tecno and Infinix phones)
4. Picture Mark: You can mark pictures freely in pictures, add mosaics and freely crop them. -下载2020年08月01日20.9 MBAndroid 5.0+版本更新
New UI appearance and two new features!
1. New UI design upgrade.
2. Picture compress. With advanced algorithm, compress the memory space cost of pictures without quality loss, which can help you save more memory space for your phone.
3. Private albums. You can hide some pictures with password, to prevent others from seeing them.(Only provide on Tecno and Infinix phones) -下载2020年02月24日17.5 MBAndroid 5.0+版本更新
The new gallery, we have improved on the following.
1.The home page according to the time arranged photos;
2.The picture zooms in and out;
3.Media files can be renamed, shared, deleted, copied, and moved. Photos can also be cut, rotated or set directly in the app as wallpaper;
4.Powerful photo editing function;
5.Photo filter;
6.Fully playable video.
At the same time, we are completely free and free of advertising. -下载2019年12月17日17.7 MBAndroid 5.0+版本更新
The new gallery, we have improved on the following.
1.The home page according to the time arranged photos;
2.The picture zooms in and out;
3.Media files can be renamed, shared, deleted, copied, and moved. Photos can also be cut, rotated or set directly in the app as wallpaper;
4.Powerful photo editing function;
5.Photo filter;
6.Fully playable video.
At the same time, we are completely free and free of advertising. -下载2019年10月16日14.6 MBAndroid 5.0+版本更新
The new gallery, we have improved on the following.
1.The home page according to the time arranged photos;
2.The picture zooms in and out;
3.Media files can be renamed, shared, deleted, copied, and moved. Photos can also be cut, rotated or set directly in the app as wallpaper;
4.Powerful photo editing function;
5.Photo filter;
6.Fully playable video.
At the same time, we are completely free and free of advertising. -下载2019年07月27日13.8 MBAndroid 5.0+版本更新
The new gallery, we have improved on the following.
1.The home page according to the time arranged photos;
2.The picture zooms in and out;
3.Media files can be renamed, shared, deleted, copied, and moved. Photos can also be cut, rotated or set directly in the app as wallpaper;
4.Powerful photo editing function;
5.Photo filter;
6.Fully playable video.
At the same time, we are completely free and free of advertising.
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