关于Akbar Birbal Stories in Hindi
Birbal, was a Hindu Brahmin advisor in the court of the Mughal Emperor Akbar. Birbal is mostly known for the folk tales which focus on his wit. Birbal was one of the nine jewels in Akbar darbar.
Children love to listen Akbar Birbal Stories because these stories are very interesting and witty. Akbar birbal Kisse are very famous in rural area of India and Grand Mother and grand father generally told these stories to their children. We have collected these famous King stories for you and you will love definitely.
"अकबर – बीरबल कहानियां "ऍप में आपकास्वागतहै | इस ऍपमें अकबर-बीरबलसे जुडी हुई बहुतसी कहानियां है| इन कहानियोंसे आपका बहुत मनोरंजन होगा |
- अबतोआनपड़ीहै
- आदमीएकरूपतीन
- ईश्वरअच्छाहीकरताहै
- ऊंटकीगर्दन
- कल, आजऔरकल
- कवीऔरधनवानआदमी
- किसकाअफसर
- किसकानोकरकौन
- किसकापानीअच्छा
- किसकीदाढ़ीकीआग
- किसकीनेमत
- कौनगधातंबाकूखाताहै
- खानेकेबादलेटना
- चोरकीदाढ़ीमें
- जबबीरबलबच्चाबना
- जल्दीबुलाकरलाओ
- जीतकिसकी
- जोरूकागुलाम
- टेढ़ासवाल
- पानवालेकाचूना
- बादशाहकीपहेलियाँ
- बीरबलऔरतानसेनकाविवाद
- बीरबलकीखिचड़ी
- रेटऔरचीनी