关于Amega - Live Funny Video Chat
Amega - Live 是一款安装在智能手机上的即时通讯应用程序。
You can to exchange between users text, voice messages, as well as attach photos, videos, various documents. The first versions of instant messengers could only exchange text messages.
Moreover, Amega - Live Funny Video Chat stores all correspondence not on the server, but on users' devices. The messenger uses the cloud only if the recipient of the message is offline. In this case, the message is stored in encrypted form on the server, and as soon as the recipient enters the network, it is delivered to him and deleted from the server.
The encryption protocol deserves special attention. It uses a combination of private and public encryption keys, as well as temporary keys that are constantly updated. Thanks to such a rather complex system, each individual message is encrypted with a separate key. You can get access to the correspondence only by gaining physical access to the device.
Of course, each messenger has its pros and cons. And the choice for Amega - Live Funny Video Chat or other messenger application, as a rule, falls not because of security policies, but taking into account what is more convenient and more used by the environment of a particular user. However, it is still worth remembering about data privacy and trying to choose the safest ways of communication as possible.
In addition, privacy policies may change: some may have changed recently, some are changing right now, and some will change in the future. And the security of your data will depend on them.
But the most important thing to remember is that even the strongest encryption protocols will not save your data if an attacker gains direct access to the device or the ability to control it remotely.