To make sure the app makes your office life better, we:
- improved workplace booking experience;
- fixed a few minor bugs;
如果您因设备不兼容或软件漏洞而在使用 Ami 的最新版本时遇到问题,在应用开发者修复问题之前,下载旧版本可能是一个实用的解决方案。APKPure 提供与各种设备和 Android 系统兼容的 Ami 所有旧版本。下载 Ami 的旧版本以用于 Android。APKPure 的所有下载均无病毒,并提供快速、安全的方式获取您所需的应用程序版本历史记录。
To make sure the app makes your office life better, we:
- improved workplace booking experience;
- fixed a few minor bugs;
To make sure the app is fully functioning for you, we:
- implemented a search feature across the application for external users;
- fixed a few minor bugs.
Are you not from EPAM? Hey! Nice to meet you!
We have something special for you:
∙ check new login experience,
∙ learn unique educational materials from EPAM creators,
∙ apply for our hot vacancies to work with an EPAM global team remotely,
∙ check professional communities from Com-Z platform,
∙ take a look at a big variety of EPAM benefits.
Join us!
Here are some enhancements you will find in the latest update:
∙ Search across the whole application has been launched. You may find desired trainings, events, benefits, or news and use it whenever you want.
∙ Some updates concerning the new design of details pages, some custom components were added.
∙ Now you can book free working places in all offices for 1 day.
Look! We have something new for you in Ami!
Carpool commuting was finally created. Be a driver or a passenger and join your colleagues and get to the office or home together.
QR scanner and sending requests were enhanced. Inform the office support team about any issue in the kitchen, toilet, conference room, and printers by scanning a QR code.
Some updates concerning the privacy policy, custom components, and redesign were also added.
Ami is getting better day by day! Let's check what we created for you in this release:
* Workplace booking was improved.
* New icons in app.
* Cards on My feed got new appearance.
* We added digital Benefit card in Profile for your convenience
Improved trainings appearance
Here are a couple of enhancements you will find in the latest update:
∙ New navigation.
∙ Workplace booking. If you want to work remotely from a co-working space, just do it in a couple of clicks with Ami.
∙ Personalized feed. Get a personalized feed with educational programs, trainings, events, news, and benefits, then save any of them.
∙ Chatbot simplification.
∙ Details pages for News and Benefits.
Hello, AMI users!
In this release we've included brand new features that will be very handy for submitting sick-leaves.
The only thing you need is to say to AMI: "I'm sick today".
Now you no longer have to cancel your meetings manually in case you feel unwell. AMI app will do it for you!
The other useful enhancement is that you will be able to keep track of all your issues submitted via QR scan.
You will be put in CC of all the emails.
AMI team
- Travel package
- Multi-tenancy
- Global map (benefits and events)
- Ability to register meeting points
- Minor improvements
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